A Quiz on Tracings
Sleep Fragments is a monthly feature sponsored by the Assembly on Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology. Each tracing is in a question/answer format and is designed to test members' expertise in sleep medicine and polysomnography. The tracings may represent physiologic events, abnormal events, artifacts and sleep disorders. Tracings will come from both the adult and pediatric populations. Please come back each month for a new tracing.
Sleep Fragments must be submitted to the Annals of the American Thoracic Society (AnnalsATS). Guidelines for content and submission of Sleep Fragments can be found here.
All fragments up to Dec 2015 have been archived by pediatrics vs. adult group, and by topic categories as outlined by the American Board of Internal Medicine, Sleep Medicine Certification Examination Blueprint. Use the drop-down menus below to narrow your search.
Select Group:Select Category Type:
- Getting to the Root of the Matter (April 2018)
- An Unusual Headache in a Patient Treated with CPAP (December 2017)
- A Child Who Flickers her Fingers while Falling Asleep (May 2017)
- A Man with Sleep-Associated Symptomatic Bradycardia (May 2017)
- An Unsuccessful PAP Titration Study on a Young Girl with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (October 2016)
- A Sleep-Disordered Breathing Pattern Related to Positive Airway Pressure Therapy (December 2015)
- Apnea in New Onset Heart Failure (November 2015)
- First Exposure to CPAP Therapy for a Patient with Symptoms Suggestive of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (September 2015)
- A Young Man Who Rocks and Rolls at Night (September 2015)
- An Unanticipated Pattern of Sleep Disordered Breathing in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis (August 2015)
- ★ Fluctuating Flow: Vibrato, Tremolo or Upper Airway Oscillation (April 2015)
- A Patient with Unusual Electroencephalographic Findings during Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (December 2014)
- Prolonging Apneas in a Hospitalized Patient. A Potential Harm of Routine Medical Therapy (November 2014)
- A 77-Year-Old Man with Nocturnal Epilepsy (October 2014)
- ★ A 24-Year-Old with Spinal Cord Injury and an Unusual Polysomnogram (September 2014)
- Severe Sleep Disordered Breathing in an Adult with Fusion of Cervical Spine (June 2014)
- ★ Unusual Rhythmic Movements During Sleep (December 2013)
- Sleep Rhythms (October 2013)
- An 84-year old Woman with Long-Standing Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (August 2013)
- Improvement in Sleep-Disordered Breathing after Insertion of Left Ventricular Assist Device (June 2013)
- A 15-Year-Old Male with Sleep Bruxism (April 2013)
- Ten Years of Sleepless Nights (February 2013)
- All in the Oximetry (September 2012)
- A Cruise with Sleepy Consequences (August 2012)
- A patient with sleep disordered breathing and an abnormal EEG. (July 2012)
- Explanation for Arousals (June 2012)
- A 16-Year Old Obese Boy With Heart Failure and Sleep Apnea (May 2012)
- What a Difference a Day Makes (April 2012)
- An Uncommon Find in an Adult With Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Morning Neck Pain (March 2012)
- Supine Manifestation: Treatment of Positional Sleep Apnea (February 2012)
- ★ Intermittent Oxygen Desaturations: When Do They Matter? (January 2012)
- Sleep Disordered Breathing In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (December 2011)
- ★ Metronomic apnea (November 2011)
- Challenges of the titration study (October 2011)
- Cognitive decline in an elderly patient (September 2011)
- Frequent Eye Movements during Sleep (August 2011)
- Central Sleep Apnea Induced Acute Cardiac Arrhythmia? (July 2011)
- An Uncommon EKG Finding in a Sleep Apnea Patient
- What is the F4 artifact?
- A 4-year-old child with late onset hypoventilation and obesity
- A surprising cause of cyclical recurrence of nocturnal activity
- An 8-year-old who snores – Approaching diagnosis and treatment
- Sleep-disordered breathing in a woman with chronic pain syndrome
- The leg that moves in bed
- Sudden Awakening During Polysomnography
- A 27 year old woman with excessive daytime sleepiness and poor nocturnal sleep quality
- Lateral Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Yoga Provides The Answer
- Artifact in the Airflow Channel
- Sleep Disordered Breathing in a Patient with Neuromuscular Symptoms
- A night at a glance
- An Unusual Event During a CPAP Titration Study
- A case of eye movements during NREM sleep
- A Patient with Chronic Pain and a Sleep Abnormality
- Which Culprit Medications are Implicated in this Hypnogram Picture?
- Iatrogenic Artifact During Polysomnography
- A young boy with staring episodes and snoring
- A 19 year-old female with sleep onset insomnia
- The sleepy driver
- A toddler with breathing difficulty during sleep
- 25-year-old man with occasional apneas and unrefreshing sleep
- Vital Signs: What is the Arrhythmia?
- Can you determine which medication a patient is taking
- A Man is Unable to Sleep in Bed
- The oximetry tracing tells it all
- Two head scratchers: What's causing the leak?
- Not all sleep-disordered breathing is the same
- Do you have an "eye" for detail?
- Fluttering on a flow volume loop
- Electrode that goes pop in the night
- Sleep disorder during summer holidays
- Sleep disorder diagnosed during wakefulness
- Fun With Filters
- Electrical Artifact
- A man with history of multiple nocturnal awakenings from sleep
- What is the Arrhythmia?
- Apnea or Hypopnea?
- Circulation Time and Sleep-Disordered Breathing
- Is this patient with OSA using his CPAP?
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea in a Patient with "Idiopathic" Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Effects of 10 years of CPAP.
- A 2-month-old who stops breathing during sleep
- Fun with differential amplifiers
- 32-year-old obese woman with snoring
- Arousal triggered respiratory event
- A Patient Making Noise at Night
- Waxing and Waning Breathing
- A patient with decreased respiratory effort
- A patient with muscle weakness and nocturnal desaturation
- A patient with unrefreshing sleep
- Pediatric Sleep Tracings - What is real?
- Scoring of Leg Channel Events
- Look at the snore channel
- Does this man snore?