ATS COVID-19 Resources

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COVID-19: The ATS Response

The ATS COVID-19 Resource Center provides free information to help healthcare providers, patients and their families manage a host of issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Content will be updated regularly.

Are you looking for a subject matter expert to speak with you for an article or other media on COVID-19, or access to ATS journals or other data? Please contact Dacia Morris to speak with our team of experts.


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Complimentary Hotel Rooms for Frontline Healthcare Workers

The ATS is proud to partner with hotels that value the work and sacrifices of our members. Click below to take advantage of this member benefit. If you’re not an ATS member yet, join now.





If you have suggestions for resources or ideas for how ATS can best support the pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine community during this challenging time, please contact:

Without a doubt, members who have been or continue to work on the frontlines of COVID-19 have experienced an event that bears little resemblance to anything else in their professional lives. What has that been like? Personally? Professionally? We want to hear your story. Learn more and share. 

The American Thoracic Society (ATS) supports the sharing of COVID-19 experiences and recommendations of our members and other clinical and scientific resources in ATS websites, social media and communications. Opinions expressed and resources shared may not have been reviewed by the ATS prior to distribution through ATS channels, or reflect official positions of the ATS, unless it is explicitly noted as a result of official ATS approval. References to specific commercial entities (companies) or products do not reflect review or endorsement by the ATS unless it is explicitly noted as a result of official ATS approval.