Assemblies and Sections

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How Do I...? (FAQ)

How do I join an ATS Assembly?

Joining an assembly is easy. When you joined the ATS, the form asked you to sign up for a primary and secondary assembly for your main and secondary interests. You will be able to take part in the business affairs of only your primary assembly but can receive information from both.

If you did not sign up for an assembly you can do it at any time by visiting the ATS website clicking on the members tab and selecting "Update Your Profile". Your changes will update in the ATS database one hour from the time you submit.

How do I volunteer for a committee?

You can become active in an assembly by learning what is going on in the assembly through the website, ATS News, at the annual meeting, or by contacting one of the Assembly officers. You should attend the annual meeting, which is also a great place to network with people who share your interests.

Some committees are easy to join, whereas others may be restricted. The best way to let people know you are interested is to contact the chair of the committee.

How do I propose a program for the ATS?
Most ATS programs come through assemblies. Being active in an assembly and contacting the assembly planning committee is the best way to let your interest be known. At about the time of the annual meeting and just after it, the website and ATS STAT will indicate when proposals must be in to be considered for the next year. Individuals can submit their ideas at that time. If you miss that cycle, put your ideas down for the next one.