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Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors Affecting the Expression of COVID-19 Relevant Genes in the Large Airway Epithelium

April 23, 2021

The webinar will commence with the presentation of the following article:

“Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the expression of COVID-19 relevant genes in the large airway epithelium” by Silva Kasela, PhD (New York Genome Center, Columbia University)

Silva Kasela, PhD (New York Genome Center, Columbia University)

Victor E. Ortega MD, PhD, (Wake Forest School of Medicine)

Christenson, MD, MAS (University of California-San Francisco)
Tuuli Lappalainen, PhD (New York Genome Center, Columbia University)
Michael Peters, MD, MAS (University of California-San Francisco)
Prescott Woodruff, MD, MPH (University of California-San Francisco)