Journal Club

Journal Club

The Section on Genetics and Genomics (SGG) welcomes all ATS members who are interested in genetics, genomics, and other “omics” technologies (proteomics, metabolomics, etc.) as they pertain to the diverse array of diseases encountered in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. The SGG Webinar Journal Club explores high impact literature of omics approaches used to address clinical, translational, and basic research problems.

Each SGG Webinar features:

  • A summary presentation of the featured article
  • Interactive discussion between an author of the featured article and other renowned experts in the field, as well as the opportunity for questions and comments from ATS members participating in the Webinar.

We use a web-based platform, which allows real-time discussion both online and on the phone making this an interactive journal club. Additionally, there will be an opportunity for further discussion via the SGG Facebook group page.

If you have any questions or have suggestions for future journal clubs, please contact the Web Director Kaity  Allen, PhD


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