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Assembly on Environmental, Occupational and Population Health Early Career Achievement Award

Meet the 2023 Winner: Alexandra Noël PhD, MSc, BSc



Dr. Alexandra Noël is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine at Louisiana State University (LSU). Dr. Noël received her bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences, her master’s in Occupational and Environmental Health, as well as her PhD in Public Health, with a specialization in Toxicology and Risk Assessment, all from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada). She has been a member of the ATS since 2014 and a member of the Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH) Assembly ever since. She serves on the ATS Membership Committee (2018 to present) and is currently the co-Chair of this Committee (2022- 2024), as well as being the Chair of the EOPH Early Career Professional Working Group (2022- 2023). Also, for the year 2023-2024, Dr. Noël will be joining the EOPH Nominating Committee. In addition, she was the EOPH Planning Committee apprentice from 2019-2021 and a member of the EOPH Program Committee from 2019-2021. Beyond the ATS, Dr. Noël recently became a member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Advisory Committee on Research on Women’s Health (2022–2026).

Dr. Noël has a strong interest in occupational, environmental, and public health related pulmonary research. Dr. Noël conducts inhalation toxicology studies on cardio-pulmonary effects of in utero and adult exposures to second-hand smoke, electronic-cigarette aerosols and nanoparticles. Her publication record includes 33 peer-reviewed articles that generated over 450 citations. Further, in 2015 and 2017, when she was a trainee, Dr. Noël was awarded ATS Minority Trainee Development Scholarships to attend the ATS International Conference. Moreover, she was the 2020 recipient of the David Bates Award from the EOPH Assembly for promising new investigators. Dr. Noël’s laboratory is presently funded by the NIEHS and the NHLBI to conduct research on electronic-cigarette aerosols and cardio-pulmonary toxicity in vitro and in vivo. Also, Dr. Noël is the leader of the Inhalation Toxicology Core of the LSU Superfund Research Program.


This award is given to a primary EOPH member with exemplary support and commitment to the EOPH mission and with recognized contributions to the assembly in the areas of research, improving public health, teaching, mentoring, and/or service (not necessarily leadership).  Individuals eligible for consideration are within 10 years from completion of postdoctoral training. Nominations of diverse candidates (by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation) are highly encouraged.


  • Within 10 years of having completed postdoctoral or clinical training, excluding time off for personal circumstances (i.e. Assistant Professor or equivalent)
  • EOPH Assembly Member (primary)
  • Significant contributions to the assembly in the areas of research, improving public health, teaching, mentoring, and/or service (not necessarily leadership).

Note: Award nominations will be carried over for 3 years and the Planning Committee may choose to move nominees to a different award category for optimal review. 

*Nomination Letter Template

*Criteria Scorecard


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View Previous Award Recipients

2022 - Peggy S. Lai, MD, MPH, ATSF