Assemblies Brochure 2018

ASSEMBLIES 11 PLANNING COMMITTEE PLANNING COMMITTEE The purpose of an Assembly Planning Committee is to develop a long range plan of work for the assembly. The assembly Planning Committees are responsible for reviewing and assisting in the development of New / Renewal assembly projects. Planning Committees provide feedback on proposal development prior to final submission. Planning Committees collaborate with the Documents Committee to assess currency of assembly-initiated documents and in the formulation of an action plan for those documents that need to be updated or archived. Planning Committees also develop and maintain the criteria for the assembly’s awards. Planning Committees review all award nominations and select awardees on a yearly basis. The ATS Assembly Planning Committees are composed of an assembly Planning Committee Chair, who is appointed by the Assembly Chair and selects committee members. The chair of the Planning Committee must be a member of the American Thoracic Society and a primary member of the assembly. Planning Committee Chairs serve a 2 year term with a third year extension if needed. Members of the committee, approximately 10 to 12, are appointed by the Planning Committee Chair and tend to be a mix of junior and senior assembly members interested in becoming more involved with the assembly. All members of the ATS Assembly Planning Committees must be members of ATS in order to serve on the Planning Committee. Members of ATS Planning Committees must also belong to the assembly either as a primary or secondary member. Ideally, the members of the Planning Committee have had some assembly experience, possess the ability to assess the needs of the membership and have strong leadership skills. This profile is important for the functioning of the Planning Committee, which is responsible for the development of a comprehensive program of work that outlines the short and long-term goals and objectives of the assembly. Many assemblies have developed working groups (sub-committees) of the Planning Committee. Working Groups of the assembly are chaired by a member of the Planning Committee, and they are designed to focus on specific issues, including but not limited to: • Facilitating effective collaboration between assembly Executive Committees and assembly members in a particular area within the assembly; • To gain knowledge in a specific topic area under an assembly; • Identifying learning gaps in specific disease categories; and • Assessing assembly membership needs. Assembly Planning Committees meet in person once a year at the ATS International Conference. Throughout the year, the committees hold conference calls as needed. If you would like to be considered by the Planning Committee Chair for a position as a member of the Planning Committee send him/her an e-mail. A list of Planning Committee chairs can be found on the ATS website under Assemblies.